[セキュリティ]無料S/MIME Actalis証明書の再発行が必要 期限は2020/10/30

昨年 紹介した「無償で入手できるS/MIME証明書」の記事で紹介した Actalis SpA のS/MIME証明書。

この Actalis SpAからメールが届いていました。



  • 2020年7月31日以前のSubCA G2で発行した証明書が対象
  • 緊急の問題が発生したので再発行が必要
  • 2020年10月30日で、今の証明書は無効になる
  • 証明書を置き換えるため再発行が必要


可能な限り早く S/MIME証明書を再発行して安全な状態に保ちましょう。

無償のS/MIME 発行手順は、以下の記事をご覧ください。


Actalis S/MIME certificates: reissue required by 30/10

Dear Customer,

We inform you that, in order to ensure compliance, all Actalis S/MIME certificates issued before 13 July 2020 with SubCA G2 need to be reissued as a matter of urgency.

This needs to be done no later than 30 October 2020.

As a precautionary measure following an incident involving a large number of CAs including Actalis (see the detailed list and the public discussion on the subject), all publicly trusted Actalis SSL Certificates, including free S/MIME Certificates, have already been issued by new Intermediate CAs (the new intermediate CA for S/MIME certificates are indicated on the Actalis website).

As required by CAB Forum rules, all CAs involved in said incident are revoking, or are planning to revoke, the affected intermediate CA certificates, which will invalidate all the end-entity certificates they have issued. Therefore, to avoid disruption of services, all Subscribers are urged to replace their certificates with new ones, issued by new intermediate CAs.

A new S/MIME certificate, to replace the current one, must be requested by following the free procedure available on the website actalis.it.

Please do this within a few days of receiving this message and in any case no later than 30 October 2020. After this date, we will automatically revoke the old certificates.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and would like to thank you for your cooperation. Please contact us if you need anything via the support channel you normally use.

Kind regards

Actalis S.p.A.
Trust Services Support

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